m on blog 19 ; "Intelligence"

Friends, let me share an interesting story... this one is based on an incident faced by one of my seniors...  its his take and I've just paraphrased his answer of the question  strangest things happened in  life.!!!

In 2011 (that time it was AIEEE, a competitive test for admission to various under-graduate engineering and architecture courses in India ) my exam centre was Mount Abu Rohini, New Delhi. The exam was supposed to start at 9 am but till 9:05 am question paper was not provided. Everybody started whispering but no one had guts to ask the invigilator.

A guy stood and asked the invigilator: What is going on, why aren't you giving the question paper? Don't you think time is exceeding the time written in the schedule?

Invigilator: Cool down my boy, somebody has tampered with question paper that's why we have to tamper the schedule.

The guy: What do you mean you have to tamper with schedule?

Invigilator: I mean exam is postponed and will be held at  12:00 pm because somebody leaked the paper.

The Guy looked back and told a girl sitting behind him, sorry yaar, I am not kind of other guys who postpone their work, could we prepone our date to 10:00 am?

Girl expressed as if she'll eat him.

Every one in the classroom: Dude!!!
At 12:02 pm or 12:03 pm they entered the hall.
Invigilator: Why are you guys so late...??
(Everybody started laughing)

Boy (in smiley tone): I thought this paper may also get some discrepancy.

Invigilator (to girl): You two should not sit together. He is a creep.

Girl smiled and said sir we are not serious about exam.

After the exam, I noticed their Roll no. and wrote the last 2 digits.........

On the day of result:-

 After seeing my result (It was terrible)  I saw their results;
The guy got a rank about 7000 and the girl got a rank about 5800.

I was like, if they would become serious what would happen.Were they really smart and intelligent or they managed something(paper leaked ).....?? or they just wanted attention, or they were sure to get a good rank in IIT JEE...

whatever it was but mean his sentence "I am not kind of other guys who postpone their works".

By the way that time it was one of the strangest things happened in my life.
 (Not now as there are many friends who pretends that they did bad in exam but get A+.)

What I Believe :-

Most people believe that intelligence is about brain where really its all about focus..
... if you are ready to focus yourself towards a goal ,you are on the way....!!



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