m on blog 18 ; " Heart And Mind.."

That was Sunday morning and it was raining outside. I woke up early in the morning at 6:30, and looked the weather outside.
It was very cool, and wet weather. Rain drops were showering everywhere. Rain was looking in the mood of playing test match that day. Clouds were batting like Don Bradman with an average run rate but consistent, and continuous. My lazy attitude told me to lie down on bed again, but heart already planned for something exciting. I wore my T-shirt, and moved outside to enjoy morning walk in the rainy day.

After a walk on municipal corporation park, I went to the shop where various newspapers were purchased. The lady operated that shop, picked Times of India and gave to me. I took the paper, and gave her four rupees. It was raining outside, and I didn’t have carry bag to protect newspaper. I asked lady shop keeper for a polythene. She thought for a while, and tried to find polythene in her shop. After looking here and there for a while, she said “No polythene is available here.” It was clearly noticed from her gestures, that she tried to look a polythene, just to show me that she really want to help me but, there is no option available . “Why don’t you put it inside your T-shirt, it’s not looks too wet “She told me while selling newspaper to another customer.  I felt a bit disappointed there; Apart from newspaper, she was also selling vegetables there, so it was sure that she has some polythene available, but she was not giving me. Second thing is that I purchase newspaper daily from there, and I was expecting that she will give me polythene easily. So it really hurts when you expect something from other and, it’s not fulfilled.

Finally I put newspaper under my t-shirt, and ready to move from there. Suddenly that lady went inside the shop, brought a polythene. “Hundreds of newspaper, I sell daily; if I will give polythene to everyone than hundreds of polythene will goes without making any profit” She smiled and said, while giving polythene to me. I was happy at last that now paper would not get wet and, other important thing my expectation as a regular customer has completed.

While moving toward home, I realized that the lady was in dilemma at the moment. By heart, she was realizing the fact that it was heavy rain outside, and I am also completely wet; Paper will be no worth for me, if she doesn’t give a carry bag. She was also realizing that, I bought a newspaper daily from her so, as a regular customer, she should help me. But her business mind was blocking her to help me. Mind was consistently saying her that, she should not provide polythene that, costs about 30-40 paisa, to a customer who bought thing of only two rupees. And second thing, it will set a wrong tradition also, if she will give polythene to me then other customers will also start asking for carry bag. If she start providing carry bag with every newspaper, than her profit on each newspaper will be reduced. Her job is to get money from customer, and hand over their commodity; after that how customer manages to take their commodity to home, it’s totally their responsibility.  

After such argument between heart and mind, she finally listens to heart and gave me a carry bag. Her business mind was defeated from her delighted heart. It’s a small incident but happened with me also several times. Situation comes to me where my heart says to do something but mind stops it. And I goes to dilemma whom to listen a beautiful heart or intelligent mind. Mind in the head, always think logically; its arguments are based on facts and figures. But heart inside soul, always thinks emotionally. It keeps emotional attachment and feelings ahead of any acquisitive or materialistic gain. Its instincts are purely based on feelings rather than facts and figures.

Whenever we listen to mind and, take a decision than most of the times, we are in gain situation. Everyone around us feels that we took a good decision. We may or may not feel well after that decision but, in materialistic prospective, we always make profit.

Whenever we listen to heart and, take a decision than most of the time we are in loss situation at the moment. Most of the person around us criticizes our decision. We may feel good and satisfied after such decision, but in materialistic prospective, we are in loss situation.

Same day after the lady shopkeeper incident, I reached home and opened the newspaper; I saw add of Infosys in newspaper; they mentioned a very beautiful line about their company “Inspired by technology, driven by values”. I thought for a while, smiled and said to myself “inspired by heart, driven by mind”. Isn’t it right………………….?
What I Believe :-
I personally believe that when we listen to heart, we may in the loss situation at the moment but, it shows correct path on long term basis. Like in my case, if that lady didn’t give polythene to me than, I could start purchasing newspaper from other shop next day.  If any friend comes to me, and asking about newspaper shop, I might not referred her .If she needs my help in future for any reason, I might not helped her. You may laugh on this argument but, it’s true, we can’t say when we need help of any person in lifetime. And if she wouldn’t need my help in lifetime than also, one thing she will surely lost, and that is the smile and good will, established between us...
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