m on blog 17 ; "What's your hobby "

Friends, there are many things in life that will catch your eyes but only a few will catch your heart.... pursue those....!

What’s your hobby Nitin?” My english teacher( Ms. sikha dixit )asked me when I was introducing myself to the class in first session of the semester.  What to say…what to say? Something went on my inside. “Its watching TV and listening songs.” I told her after a pause of few seconds. “Is watching TV your hobby or it’s just an activity you enjoyed?” I don’t know what to say on this so I just keep mum. “You know Nitin; you don’t have any hobby; find a hobby for yourself.” I sit and next boy started his introduction but mam’s words still echoed in my ears “Find a hobby for yourself.”

I went to meet her after the class “What’s difference between hobby and action of enjoyment.” I asked her eagerly. “You know Nitin, our heart is like a child, who enjoys playing with a toy today but tomorrow same toy may not hold his interest. If he finds any other toy than he switch to other toy and if he doesn’t find any than he will play with same toy until his interest diminish completely from that toy. You like watching TV because you don’t find any other task of your interest, but one day you will get bored completely with this action. At that point of time, you will switch to other activity, something like watching movies, listening songs, gossiping with friends or chatting (facebook,twitter).

 You can enjoy these actions for a moment but it doesn’t lead you anywhere. These actions are necessary for life but they can’t be hobby of anyone. Hobby is the activity that holds your interest to whole life. You can go up to any extent to find new voyage of your creativity in that work.

Hobby is the task that brings hidden potential, creativity, and craziness from you; a work which help you to know yourself.” I was hearing her words like a short heighted batsman is facing bouncers of fast bowler in cricket, who impress with the bowling but don’t know how to play such balls. “But how can I identify such action that brings my craziness?” I asked like somehow short heighten batsman tried to touch the ball. “Go and find a work that you really enjoy. A work which keep all your mental, physical and spiritual concentration. You forget all your worries and move entirely into a new world of your creativity and passion while doing that. You feel strange happiness in that work, something that I can’t express in words;she said

 but it feels like happiness of a father who sees his child walking first time, enjoyment of a kid who rides bicycle first time in life, excitement of a lady who is going to see her fiancé after a long time, devotion of a monk who immersed himself completely in the ocean of love for his god, passion of a young boy who drives his favourite bike on traffic less highway and satisfaction like a mother who prepares her son’s favourite dish and looking him eating that dish. Go and find such activity in your life.”

What I Believe :-

I don’t know what will be my future on writing but for sure I enjoy this work . I haven’t started this blog to show my talent or wisdom to world, I haven’t started it just to become a great writer/poet; I started itsniteshpandey to define a planet of my creativity and craziness.

So this is the story of my journey of searching a hobby. Before signing off, a question for reader…what’s your hobby…? Is it watching TV…? If yes, than go, get a new hobby.....!

sponsored by KRIPRA ASSOCIATES :-


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