m on blog 1

                                  Welcome to my blog

Recently a friend asked me a question that any one/business that begins blogging will have to answer; What should your first post be about?  That first post is terribly important, because it sets the tone for the blog, not just for the readers, but for the writers as well.

I was pondering over this then I realized........ why shouldn't I write about the big questions........who am I and why I am here.......right??
From the reader’s point of view, one would want to see four areas covered in  first blog post:

1 – Who am I.
      It is something that marks the beginning of everything. So let me introduce my self.  I am Nitesh in my first year of btech in computer science.
2 – Why I am blogging.
Possibly the most important question why I am here,

Friends sometimes you have to do what society wants you to do and sometimes what your heart wants.....................!

I am here to speak my heart out......share my thoughts about life . Being raised in a boarding school , I learnt many crucial things needed for the survival and still learning.

3 – What will i be blogging about.

Friends life is a race if you will not run you will be surely left behind..............................!

 I intend to write here about different things: interesting stories;international news/ backgrounds of the news; revolutionary ideas and theory, whatever fascinates me. People who can read  can get an impression of what I am interested in, by visiting my blog.
I intend to write regularly, once a week, somwhat more, somehwt less. First article after this introduction will be part of a 3-part series, a loving story.

4 – How you can leave feedback.
And friends I would love to hear from you, learn from you. so you can leave your valueable comments,it will be my pleasure and feedback and even disagreement are encouraged. these feedbacks will be appreciated and encouraged.


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