m on blog 44: Past And Perfect
He remember her repeatedly telling him,
"I'm not perfect."
It struck him a little because there he was gleefully
embracing the moment with such a beautiful person,
which to him was nothing short of perfection. But he
knew what she was referring to; the same self-
perceived flaws we all have.
In a spiritual sense, we are the essence of infinite
potential - boundless perfection that is supreme in
every way. Yet, we often believe something is wrong
with us because we identify strongly with transitory
parts of our existence - like our physical body,
emotions and experiences.
We confuse who we are
with what we perceive through our senses.
Often, we say, "What's wrong with me?" or "Why am I
broken?" But a more appropriate question would be to
"What has happened in the past to make me feel
like something is wrong with me?"
It's hard to
recognize your brilliance when you've learned that
you're not enough or you have to be a certain way to
receive love. For the most part, our encounters and
interactions have shaped us.
We often carry our past into our present to deny our
peace. And life gets tough because you not only have
your external day-to-day struggles, like the colleague
at work who never pulls their weight, but there's a
whole battle going on within your mind. Insecurity, fear,
shame, low self-esteem and general poor mental health
all get the best of you
- and at times, it's hard to speak
about it.
So you suck it up and march on.
What I Believe:-
I don't know who's reading this and what part of the
world you're in, but I want to take a moment to say well
done for making it this far. Life is not easy. And I can
only imagine that there were times where you wanted
to give up, but you didn't. You're here, despite it all
including the things you've kept to yourself.
Right now, let us not give up on our people. Let us pray
for world peace while keeping those amidst adversity in
Spread Love And Peace!!!!
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