m on blog 38;The Intolerance

So,A few months ago, some of us came to know about the word intolerance,I was wondering and curious to know about the root of this special word that led many to return their prestigious awards and marked the begining of a tradition, of returning the Hard Earned awards.

Intolerance is unwillingness to let other people act in a different way but really we, Indians have become so much intolerant towards our fellow compatriots that these so called intellectuals are returning their awards ??

This was not just my question or thinking but many like me were pondering over this.

Then I found out the reason how this difficult pronouncing word upsurged in the market and the one who or rather which were responsible are  the words Ghar Wapsi (Home Coming), Beef ban (These two are some other topic for some another day) .

And irony is that In reality(what I could see from my surrounding) there were nothing like intolerance,Ghar Wapsi ,Beef ban.All these were marketed for the personal benefits by the parties who are ruling and the parties who are in opposition.

And the people who were most affected were these intellectuals, the politicians and THE Unbiased media because we the common people were stuck in our daily life, the farmers were thinking about their crops and hoping for the good rain so that they can repay their debts,the soldiers were busy protecting the country away from the family and in the hostile conditions.

But wait we can’t deny the fact that there are still many shortcomings in our culture that we need to work upon.

We can’t  deny the fact that sometimes we become impatient and start abusing/fighting our fellow citizens.The latest who got affected were Mohammad shami,Irfan pahan just for posting their pictures along their family. We forget that its their life and its upon them how they want to live.

We can’t deny the fact that we forget, the people who are killed in the name of beef, who are killed in the name of riots are also someone’s family (may be they were depending on them for their livelihood)

We can’t deny the fact that everyone has the right to do ,right to speak whatever they want or wish unless it is hurting the sentiments of others.

We can’t deny  the fact that there are some miscreants in each section of society who encites us towards hatred and we need to ignore them.

What I believe:-

There is conscious in every body who knows  what is right, who always supports  the love and we don’t need to do anything just listen to it.

Many words like Intolerance,Ghar wapsi will come and go but the feelings will remain for ever and that is keeping us together in this diversity.

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