m on blog 37; "The Fifth Flat mate"

That spacious two bedroom apartment at the third floor was shared by 4 young women. None of us knew each other before; online hunt for an accommodation in a metro city brought us together. It's been a month, everything was good and we were still getting to know each other & the city.

That was a Sunday night; we went straight to bed around 12.30 am after roaming around the city and a late night dinner. Our room had two queen size cots, in between the two cots were a small coffee table and a chair. When I rolled over amidst sleep I saw my roommate sitting on the chair, she had her hands supported on the coffee table. I checked the time on my mobile in the dark, it was 02:30 am. I asked her what is she doing at the middle of the night and fell back to sleep even before I got a reply.

Next day was a typical Monday morning. We all got up late and rushed to work. After a long day I reached home around 09:00 pm, one of the flat mates was watching TV, other two were yet to arrive. After cursing each other's bosses and the lame TV serials she asked me who was awake last night as the living room's light kept going on and off (They have a practice of keeping the bedroom door open). I said it must be Ishu, my roommate as i saw her sitting awake at the middle of the night. In less than half an hour the other two reached home.

At the dinner table Ishu asked me why I am always awake at the middle of the nights, she also told me to have a water bottle next to my bed. I was like "Don't bluff, I never wake up until i snooze the alarm 3 times. You are the one who was wide-awake last night. You have even disturbed the other two by putting on the living room's light". Hearing me said that she went still, the creepiest conversation of my life followed.

Ishu has seen me sitting on the chair at the middle of the night. She asked me what i was doing at that time and heard me reply that I woke up for water. She fell asleep after telling me to have some water and sleep. Meanwhile around the same time the other two in the next room got disturbed by the lights going on and off in the living room. One of the two has even noticed the presence of someone, passing by in the dark. The worst part is Ishu has already seen me twice on the chair at the middle of the nights, but she never asked (Once I go to bed I never wake up in the middle). However that was the first time I noticed her sitting on the chair.

It took a while for us to realize what/who has happened and come back to senses. Soon after, we researched and learned from the neighbors that the house was unoccupied for almost a year after the previous tenant passed away followed by a miscarriage.

That piece of information was enough for us to believe that there was a fifth flat mate. (We all vacated the place in less than a week)

Sent By Kiara Som...!!

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