m on blog 35; "----Titleless-----"

“You don’t have the right to end the life who is yet to see this world..” this was the Judge’s last statement .

Compassion ,it seems has no place in the corridors of power dominated solely by electoral considerations. Nothing else perhaps can explain the plight of the 14 yr old rape survivor of Bareily who lost the legal battle to abort her unwanted child.

I am not here to oppose or support the judgement .May be the Judgement is right as we don’t have the right to kill someone but can we imagine the challenges that the girl will face who even don’t know how to feed herself.

Her tale is poignant and powerful enough to melt hearts: Just imagine a young unwed mother saddled with the onerous task of bringing up a child in a poor family that struggles to feed its members.

For say we have the government , a no. of NGOs, the society to help her but we better know how she will be treated by them.

When a soldier give his life fighting for the country , When a farmer does sucide in the hope of better life in next birth , when someone dies in an accident, their dependents are announced to get lakhs of money from the government . We better know the daunting challenges faced by them to get those money. (If not, just ask someone who have ever faced….)

How can the society help when they humiliated her for being raped, the same neighbours,the same relatives who even accused that it was her fault ,a nurse refused to help for being a rape victim.

Though the accused is  in jail, she is forced to confront stigmas associated with rape and out of wedlock motherhood.

She was denied abortion on the ground she was 20 weeks pregnant – the permissible limit under law for aborting foetus.

But I want to ask didn’t the judiciary took too long to decide and even the official kept her waiting ?? Time was of the essence to abort the foetus but the establishment took no notice.


What I Believe:-

What is heartrending ,is the system we are surrounded by/governed by .There is an urgent need to ponder over all this because we can’t run away from everything as may be one day we too have to face the heat
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  1. great one bt why dont u write regularly

  2. clayton@mail.postmanllc.net


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