m on blog 30;" Mera Bharat Kahaan.."

 From The Dadri lynching,JNU incident, Rohit vermula to the Malda riot..are we not moving to the same stage where congress left .. don’t you think these issues are more politicized to derail the development of India from the track of progress..

 just a few months ago we were on the world map for all the good news whether it be make in India.. investment  in india ,the cleaniness drive , Start up india stand up india, Mars Mission .. everything was going beautiful & it was nice feeling and encouraging to see that we were moving towards development..

But the recent incidents have again installed fear among the commom people..coming to the Dadri, i must say the act was  (fearing).. you can’t kill someone..you have no rights to kill anyone ..there is law , the constitutional bodies to give the judgement..

The event at JNU, the most disgraceful incident ..raising slogans against the country .. does it comes under the right to speech.. what is paining is the way politicians are politicizing this sensitive issue..just supporting the persons who are responsible for this ..i heard that some politicians are shameless but to this much .. it’s a shame ..the persons responsible for all this mess (not the innocents) should be punished according to the Law..

Rohit Vermula.. let me go in a little detail what I know he was accused of raising slogans to protest against the death penalty of yakoob menon..the person who was convicted for the 1993 bombay blast.. killing many innocent lives..and he did sucide and in his sucide note he wrote no one is responsible for his death..may be he was tourtored ..may be someone forced him I cant say much..

Many others still questions the importance given to a single suicide when India has students suicide numbers running in thousands. One commentator compares the alleged burning and subsequent death of a 16 year old Hindu boy Savan Rathod by three men  who according to the video statement given by Sawan before his death was clearly religiously motivated … but there was no media to cover this…but the way they presented the  story of Rohit  in the name of dalit student and the way politicians used this for story for their political gain is devastating..

Coming to the malda riot .. I must say the government was responsible for all that happened ,the way they handled.

What I believe:-

In every country  there are problems.. infact in everyone’s life there are problems in different forms..that we take care by finding the solutions .. similarly for all these problems we can have the solution.. the solution is “being sensible”..if we are sensible we know what is right and what is wrong. Friends ,never listen anyone and act without verifying..

I am not a supporter of any organizations but I do feel that the opposition (it can be anyone) is desperate to gain the lost ground on any cost… so beware my compatriots…!!

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