m on blog 20 ; "A Love with Life "

“Yes…I am in love.”…yeah, I am sure about it…please lock this Mr.Bhagwan… said Nikhil..
                                    (last paragraph is important before any conclusions..)

 No…not this way…Let me shout a loud to shake the world with the words of love…Let me send the sound waves of my voice to every corner of this universe… Let me speak about the most wonderful and exciting feeling inside me. Love is the most amazing thing happened with me till now…but I really don’t know how to react on it. I mean I feel like I am behaving abnormally these days…I feel crazy inside but there is a blushing on my face; I want to speak a lot but when it comes to speak, I stop myself with just a smile. I really don’t know what I am doing but these are just trailer of the sensation that sails my soul boat in the ocean of love these days. My wildest dreams are like put a cap at head, mike in hand and sing loudly like Himesh Reshmiya, curve my hand and dance like Salman Khan on the beats of Dabbang song, Pull off shirt and waves in air like Saurav Ganguly …and lot more like these. But let keep the craziness aside because that is not the main agenda of this article…I have started writing this post to portrait the image of my love with my words…to  spread the magic of love that I feel everywhere around me. So here are the details of our relationship in little bouquet of words with innocent smell of love :-
  • When it comes to describe a person, we talk about his/her nature and looks. Well …I will tell about looks later…first come to her nature. I can’t describe her nature in one word because every day she looks into different mood to me. Sometime she looks sweet and simple to me, sometime she becomes bold. One day she behaves like a child and next day she talks in mature and sensible way. There are some moments when she is extremely caring and charming but there exist few moments too when she is very rough and harsh . It seems that every day she starts with fresh mindset and different attire. Well…I can’t say anything exactly about her nature…but one thing for which I am sure is her behavior… Her behavior is totally replica of mine. When I love her, she also starts loving me; when I try to make distance from her, she also maintains some distance from me and when I avoid her, she also start avoiding me. She never makes any complain or excuse to me; she never expect anything from me; and she does not force me to be with her every time. But to be very true…when I part from her or avoid her, it gives me pain; feel me sad at the end of the day.
  • During teenage, I also thought that she would be the most beautiful in the world. But my real girlfriend is not like that one… I mean she is beautiful and attractive but not always. Sometimes she looks too gorgeous and when I think nothing is better than her in the whole universe the next day…she looks quite average to me. Once I asked her “Do you use any kind of make-up ; I mean sometime you look very beautiful , sometime you are quite average and some day you come up with such ugly face. Why are such variations?” She smiled and replied, “Beauty resides in the eyes of viewers. I look same every day; it’s your eyes honey that makes difference. If you look at me with love, innocence and kindness, I always look beautiful to you.”
“Often love starts with the eyes and reaches deep inside the heart by the way of heartbeats, but our love will be totally different in this context; because it starts from deep inside heart first and reaches in the eyes by the way of consciousness.”  I heard this in a dialog of a movie…well reel drama never be real…I never started feeling love in the eyes nor deep inside heart, it just happened due to consequences of series of incidents. And to be very honest, I haven’t done anything with the intentions of falling in love in those incidents. But yes…I attracted toward her first time due to her eyes. When I see into her eyes, it seems that time is stoped at that moment and I stuck starring her forever. Her eyes make me move into world of will and love…and I start dreaming while looking into her eyes…and yes…my dreams are fully decorated with our love. However dreams are dreams, they are far apart from reality …even sometimes she also does not behave the way I dreamed. But I love to see dreams into her eyes…it really rejuvenate me…and from my side, I always try to live those dreams in reality.

 I love to be shy, silent, simple and cool but she make me shout, hyper and aggressive. May be these are not prime attributes of my personality but sometimes when I come into influence of her; I take bold steps; I shout a loud to shake the world; I become crazy for something.  These things amazed me also; how my attitude turns so dramatically in certain situations. But knowingly or unknowingly, she helps me to enhance my caliber, to bring my hidden potential upfront, a different face of my character, and that too maintaining my original cool and calm attitude as it is.
God may help you always but luck doesn’t favor you every time. Sometimes I make wrong choice while working on her tricks and challenges.  Black cloud of selfishness and insanity covers the blue sky of my wisdom and I turn to the wrong way at that time. Knowingly or unknowingly, I hurt my sweet love at such occasions. Though she doesn’t say anything to me but she cries loudly in alone. And when she cries anywhere in the planet, a storm with poignant sensation strikes at the deep coast of my soul and I start feeling disappointed and lost. I regret  my past actions and in the course of remorse, I say sorry to her. But she is not the one who forgets everything so easily. It takes time to win her faith again; I need to show my commitment and love through my efforts and actions again. This is the only way to bring her smile back and you know… I love to do anything for it.
  • One day I told her that I will bring stars on earth for her. She laughed and told “Be passionate like this in love but don’t make such big promises to me, just show your love in small steps and little efforts.” Well I didn’t understand what she said but I haven’t tried such filmi dialogs after that, and also didn’t make any extra-ordinary effort to impress her. I am just doing as per my caliber, capability and faith… and yeah…she is quite happy with it :)
  • Last but not least thing about her…She doesn’t give me anything, whenever I go to her with doubts, dilemma, dishonesty or expectation. She showered me her true love when I go to her with true heart, innocent love and sheer dedication.
What I Believe :-

I know you want to know the name of my love now…well… I don’t want to keep you guessing and play with your patience (and also don’t want you to spread rumors ...!!!) Let me reveal the secret too…Name of my girlfriend is LIFE (ज़िन्दगी) and yes…I LOVE my LIFE.  She is with me in each and every moment of my consciousness and unconsciousness. All I wrote above was about my life. Well…I can’t say I know her (…LIFE…) completely because every day she comes to me with new color and shade but I am not finished with writing about her.  Live the life…!

one more
Never say 'That won't happen to me' . Life has a funny way of proving us wrong.......!



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