m on blog 23 ;" Priceless "

Friends, I was returning after vacations and really the journey was boring. So, I asked this man in his 60’s ,sitting next to me, “Uncle how will you motivate anyone, what are the things we all have but we don’t care about..??” He first hesitated but said, “let me tell you a story”. Once an unhappy man was about to commit sucide. At the last moment a stranger who looked like a saint, stopped him and asked, “what are you going to do ??” the man asked adding , “I am too poor to eat . I have nothing in this world. I prefer death over poverty”. The saint told him that if he really wanted to die then he could help him(the saint), and said , “I need a pair of eyes.If you donate your eyes to me , I’ll give you 10K dollars.” “I am not a fool,” retorted the man.The saint tried to convince him again. “ what would you do with your eyes after death, give them to me.You need the money.” Said the saint. When the man didn’t agree, he said, “Alright, g...