m on blog 16 ; " THE ROOM MATE "

Friends... Do you know what it's like to be tortured by your own mind....?? lets go with a story ...
A story dedicated to a friend....!


It was a normal morning… I was getting ready for my class then.. only

Knock..knock…knock ..

Yes who is there just come in… its open.. ( I said).

Rohan… rohan.. come .. come with me..( it was shyam.. he was horrified )

Hey.. what happened shyam…

Just come with me…(he said).

Ok..  m coming but tell me what happened..

Raghav … ( he stopped )

Yes.. where is he..? what he has done now..?

He hanged himself…?? (he said).

What the f…k?? Hey you know… the phase I m going through.. don’t make these type of nuisance statements..! ( I said)

Yrr… you come with me…!( he said).

Friends.. raghav was my first room mate.. the most simple and quiet,humble person I have ever met…

I was horrified and went to the room no 465…. I can’t describe the situation .. but really it was horrifying .. shyam was right…! Raghav had hanged himself to death.. he killed himself without thinking (I am not sure )about us .. his mother .. family..

I was shocked and it took time to realize what was happening there… I asked shyam to call the warden.… he hurriedly went to the warden room

And after some time there were police ,warden ,doctors… and we were asked to vacate the room after some interrogations…

I don’t know what happened to him .. what made him took this step ;

We were allotted the same room . He was here for his MBA .. and I was in btech . Friends he was so humble .. used to respect his juniors..( rare in hostels)

Being from a hindi medium school and college he was having some problems in studies here where everything was in English.. but he was trying his best ,used to study 10 to 12 hours a day.. he was a labourious guy ..yes labourious

Then the question arises … why he did this …?? Why he killed himself..??

 About a month before this incident he changed his room for his studies..shifted with a MBA guy with the hope to get some help in his studies…
To be continued...
what I believe :-
Noone can rescue you if they don't know you need it.... Ask for help to fight another day...
To anyone...
If you had suicidal thoughts... I am glad you are still here... keep holding on Man... many opportunities are waiting for you...!
sponsored by :-KRIPRA ASSOCIATES



  1. after a long time , a good story .eagerly waiting for the next part

    (Azad, Mumbai)

  2. the way you write is awesome but there are some areas you need to improve. great going wanna see you at greater heights,

    (someone like you)

  3. thankyou sir... ! will love to improve..!


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