m on blog 16 ; " THE ROOM MATE "

Friends... Do you know what it's like to be tortured by your own mind....?? lets go with a story ... A story dedicated to a friend....! It was a normal morning… I was getting ready for my class then.. only Knock..knock…knock .. Yes who is there just come in… its open.. ( I said). Rohan… rohan.. come .. come with me..( it was shyam.. he was horrified ) Hey.. what happened shyam… Just come with me…(he said). Ok.. m coming but tell me what happened.. Raghav … ( he stopped ) Yes.. where is he..? what he has done now..? He hanged himself…?? (he said). What the f…k?? Hey you know… the phase I m going through.. don’t make these type of nuisance statements..! ( I said) Yrr… you come with me…!( he said). Friends.. raghav was my first room mate.. the most simple and quiet,humble person I have ever met… I was horrified and went to the room no 465…. I can’t describe the situation .. but really it was horrifying .. shyam wa...