m on blog 28 ; "Smartphone"

Friends, I read it somewhere and I couldn't resist myself sharing it with you..!! A teacher, after dinner , started checking the homework done by her students. Her husband was strolling around with a smart phone , playing his favourite game ‘Candy Crush Saga’ .When reading the last note, she started crying and tears overflowed... Her husband saw this and asked, ‘Why are you crying dear? What happened?’ She: Yesterday I gave homework to my 1st standard students, to write something on topic - 'My Wish' Husband: OK, but why are you crying? She: ‘Today, while checking the last note, it is making me crying' Husband (curiously): ‘What is written in the note, that makes you cry?’ She: Listen to this, "My wish is to become a smart phone. My parents love smart phone very much. They care smart phone so much that sometimes they forget to take care of me. When my father comes from office, tired, he has time for smart phone but not for me...